5.7 million tons of oil crops were harvested in Ukraine, including 1 million tons of sunflower
Farmers of all regions of Ukraine threshed 35.2 million tons of new harvest: 29.5 million tons of grain and 5.7 million tons of oil crops.
The press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported how much wheat, sunflower, soy and other crops were harvested in Ukraine.
Harvesting of grain and leguminous crops was carried out on an area of 6,763 thousand hectares with a yield of 43.6 t/ha, including:
🌾wheat was threshed on 4,690,000 hectares (yield — 47.2 tons/ha), 22,151,000 tons were threshed;
🌾barley was threshed on 1,504,000 hectares (yield – 38.7 tons/ha), 5,823,000 tons were threshed;
🌿peas were threshed on 154 thousand hectares (yield – 25.0 tons/ha), 386.6 thousand tons were threshed;
🌻 11.9 thousand hectares of corn were threshed (yield – 47.0 tons/ha), 55.8 thousand tons were threshed;
🌿 buckwheat was threshed on 70 thousand hectares (yield – 14.4 tons/ha), 100.2 thousand tons were threshed;
🌿 millet was threshed on 47.4 thousand hectares (yield – 23.1 tons/ha), 109.4 thousand tons were threshed;
🌾 other grain and leguminous crops were threshed on 286 thousand hectares, 831 thousand tons were threshed.
Collection of oil crops:
🎋rape was threshed on an area of 1,395,000 hectares (yield – 28.7 tons/ha), 3,999,700 tons of seeds were threshed;
🌻sunflowers were planted on an area of 498.6 thousand hectares (yield – 20.8 tons/ha), 1,035 thousand tons of seeds were threshed;
🌿 soybeans were planted on an area of 257 thousand hectares (yield – 24.3 tons/ha), 624.8 thousand tons were threshed.
Sugar beets were dug up on an area of 14.1 thousand hectares, 617.1 thousand tons of sweet roots were dug up with a yield of 436.8 tons/ha.
Agricultural producers of all regions finish harvesting rapeseed.