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 In Ukraine, the harvest of oilseeds is coming to an end, the harvest exceeds last year’s

In Ukraine, the harvest of oilseeds is coming to an end, the harvest exceeds last year’s

📌As of November 14, the harvest of oilseed crops is completed in Ukraine, agricultural producers have threshed 20.2 million tons. This is reported by
Learn more about the progress of the harvest from the “Harvest Online 2023” map.

In particular, collected:
🌿 rapeseed — 4 million tons from an area of 1.39 million hectares (98%), average yield — 2.87 tons/ha;
🌻 sunflower – 11.52 million tons from an area of 4.91 million hectares (97%) with a yield of 2.35 tons/ha;
🌿 soybeans — 4.71 million tons from 1.78 million hectares (99%), yield — 2.63 tons/ha.

The most sunflowers were threshed in Dnipro region (1.49 million tons), Kirovohrad region (1.44 million tons) and Poltava region (1.13 million tons).
Last year, on the reporting date, agricultural producers threshed 9.5 million tons of sunflower.
In terms of sunflower yield, the following are in the lead:
• Khmelnytskyi — 3.3 t/ha;
• Ternopil Region — 3.22 t/ha;
• Ivano-Frankivsk — 3.2 t/ha;
• Chernivtsi — 3 t/ha;
• Vinnytsia — 3 t/ha.

✅Last year, on November 10, soybeans 🌿 were harvested on 91% of the area, the average yield was at the level of 2.4 t/ha, the harvest was 3.3 million tons.
In the 2023 season, soybeans were threshed the most by farmers in the following regions:
• Poltava — 610,000 tons;
• Khmelnytska — 586,000 tons;
• Sumy — 370 thousand tons.
At the same time, the highest yield at the end of the harvest was in Ivano-Frankivsk region (3.45 t/ha), Ternopil region (3 t/ha) and Poltava region (2.88 t/ha).
In the southern regions, the soybean yield does not exceed 1.5 t/ha, which is 40% lower than the average for Ukraine.