We in the ranking of the world’s largest manufacturers of animal feed-2016!
The company WATT has published a ranking of the WORLD’s largest producers of animal feed! And you know what? For us, the good news is that we are in this ranking!
According to Feed international”s world’s Top Feed Companies company WATT among all the world 28% belongs to Europe.
Here the formation of TOP 200. Research group Watt Global Media has collected data on more than 200 manufacturers of animal feed all over the world. Was created online database that puts information on the annual production volumes of compound feed for which groups of animals and poultry it is intended, in what form, etc. Considering the best performance and the most powerful manufacturers of animal feed.
The trio, who headed the rating of the company CP Group (Thailand) with an annual production capacity of 27.6 million tons, Cargill (USA) – 19.5 million tons and New Hope Liuhe (China), 15.7 million tons.
Ukrainian producers that entered the TOP 200 are: holding “Myronivsky Hliboproduct” (MHP), AIG “Pan Kurchak” the company “Agro Oven” (according http://latifundist.com/novosti/32013-ukrainskie-kompanii-voshli-v-rejting-krupnejshih-proizvoditelej-kombikormov-mira).