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 10 facts about agriculture that will amaze you

10 facts about agriculture that will amaze you

✅ Agriculture is the largest employer in the world:
Almost all industries depend on agricultural raw materials. Agriculture is the basis of all countries. The GDP, economy, development, etc. of each country depends on the growth of agriculture.
✅ Farmers must produce 70% more food than today to feed the growing world population by 2050:
According to the study, farmers need to produce 70% more food as the population grows from 7 to 9 million by 2050. We can achieve this by improving agricultural processes.
✅ More than 6,000 varieties of apples are grown in the world:
So it’s true. The largest producer of apple varieties is China, followed by the USA, Turkey, Iran and India.
Bananas are the number one fruit crop in the world:
In many countries, bananas are one of the main sources of food.
✅ The first animal to be domesticated was a goat:
According to many studies, the first domesticated animal was the goat. These animals are very picky about food. They will not eat contaminated or ground food.
Bees produce more than 15 billion dollars worth of crops every year through pollination:
Bees pollinate 80% of the world’s plants, including 90 different food crops.
✅ Most farmers in the USA are elderly:
More than 60% of farmers in the USА are over 55 years old.
✅ India is the largest producer of milk and the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables:
India is the largest producer of ginger, okra, potato, onion, brinjal, etc. As for fruits, this country ranks first in the cultivation of bananas, papayas, and mangoes.
✅ Pencils are made from soy:
Soybean oil is an important ingredient in making pencils. Soy pencils slide more smoothly and do not flake off. Colors made using soybean oil are bright and less toxic to children and are completely biodegradable.
✅ Most of the farm managers are women:
About 30% of the 3.3 million farm managers in the USА. The number of female farm operators has increased by 20%, and now more than 75% of women own their land.