Compound feeds AGROKORM™

 Interesting facts about ducks

Interesting facts about ducks

  • Most domesticated duck flocks are found in China. In a year, according to statistics, up to 2 million young animals appear in China. The Chinese like duck and they often eat it in various dishes.
  • To date, scientists have more than 100 species of ducks, including domesticated and wild birds.
  • Male ducks are called drakes.
  • Only female ducks croak. The drakes emit a hiss that warns rivals of the male’s movement. Females attract potential partners by croaking.
  • The number of vertebrae in the short neck of ducks is greater than that of the giraffe. The surprising fact is connected with the fact that vertebrae at ducks are very small.
  • The main bones of the skeleton of ducks are hollow, which reduces the weight of the bird, facilitating flight.
    Ducks can dive to a depth of more than 6 meters for food.
  • Ducks, especially small ones, have a poorly developed parental instinct. Ducklings are easy to put to the chicken, and they will take her for a mother. The chicks consider the female they first saw to be their own mother.
  • The wings of ducks never get wet. On duck feathers the special fat made by glands under skin is distributed. This fat protects the plumage and repels excess moisture.
  • Ducks walk around because they have short, widely spaced paws. In order to walk, they have to roll over with their whole body.

With the feed of  “Agrokorm” – fattening ducks will be a simple matter!