Compound feeds AGROKORM™

 The most interesting facts about rabbits

The most interesting facts about rabbits

When breeding any kind of animal, you definitely need to learn everything about them. That is why, we have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting facts about rabbits:

🐰 As you know, rabbits are great jumpers. They can easily jump a meter or even a little more.

🐰 Rabbits can run quite fast – up to 56 kilometers per hour. But rabbits run much faster – up to 72 kilometers per hour.

🐰 The most famous length of a rabbit’s ears is 80 centimeters, this record is officially registered.

🐰 The most recorded lifespan of a rabbit is 19 years.

🐰 Rabbits excrete sweat only through the pads on their paws.

🐰 Rabbits have 28 teeth.

🐰 Rabbits have an excellent appetite and can eat a volume of grass the size of a large pillow at a time.

🐰 The structure of a rabbit’s eye is such that they can see what is happening behind them without turning their head.

🐰 The smallest breed is called the pygmy rabbit. These animals are 22 to 35 centimeters long, with a maximum weight of 450 grams.

🐰 They are intelligent and respond to their name, and when they see their owner, they rise on their hind legs.

And most importantly, the meat of the rabbit is very tasty and healthy, and with the feed TM “Agrokorm” – fattening of rabbits will be an easy matter!