Happy International Accountants’ Day!
On November 10, the world celebrates the professional holiday of accountants – International Accountants’ Day.
International Accountants’ Day, or International Accounting Day, was introduced in 1972 under the name of Accounting Career Day. In 1976, this name was replaced by the modern name.
The date of the celebration was chosen because it was on November 10, 1494 that the Venetian mathematician Luca Pacioli published Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita (All about Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportion). It also included a detailed description of the bookkeeping orders, the system of daily debit and credit, accounting for assets, liabilities, capital, etc. Because of this book, Luca Pacioli was called the “father of accounting.
Despite the fact that in Ukraine it is customary to celebrate Accountants’ Day in the summer, it is not an excuse to leave today accountants without congratulations.
We congratulate all accountants with their professional holiday, we wish them success in their work, coordinated and friendly working in a team, new achievements, the successful implementation of plans in life, harmony and mental health.