Interesting facts about quails!
✅ Quail chicken at birth weighs only 7 grams !!! But in a month gaining weight 10-15 times more.
✅ One quail can lay up to 300 eggs a year.
✅ Quail eggs do not cause allergies – ovomucoid protein, which is contained in quail eggs, is used for the production of anti-allergic drugs.
✅ Spoiled quail eggs do not occur in nature: they contain the valuable amino acid lysozyme, which prevents the development of microflora, so quail eggs can be safely stored at room temperature.
✅ Quail do not suffer from salmonellosis and other diseases common to chickens. This allows you to eat quail eggs even raw.
✅ Due to the content of oleic acid, quail eggs saturate the body with vitamins, amino acids, trace elements.
✅ Quail eggs do not contain cholesterol: they purify the blood, normalize blood pressure, increase hemoglobin, intensively remove radionuclides from the body.
✅ The amino acid tyrosine is essential in cosmetics and maintains a healthy complexion.
✅ Eggs are especially useful for children to improve physical and mental development.
✅ Scientists have proven that eating two quail eggs improves memory, strengthens the nervous system, improves vision.
If the quail are fed properly, namely to use a special, complete diet, it will gain weight quickly enough and grow healthy! This is the kind of feed produced by Agrotechnika LLC for more than 20 years.