Compound feeds AGROKORM™

 Coccidiosis prevention in broilers

Coccidiosis prevention in broilers

Poultry are faced with dangers from birth, including a disease such as coccidiosis.

Coccidiosis is dangerous for broilers, especially for young birds. At the initial stage, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, so it is very problematic to distinguish a healthy bird from an infected one. The course of the disease is rapid and affects a large number of birds in a few days.

As a result, the bird becomes lethargic, it loses appetite and its plumage structure is affected. Nutrient absorption is impaired, leading to starvation and death of the broilers.

Coccidiosis in broilers is quite difficult to treat. The difficulty is that there is no universal cure. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of the disease.

One way to prevent the occurrence of coccidiosis is to feed broilers with feed containing a drug designed to prevent coccidiosis – coccidiostatic. Such fodder is fed to broiler chickens from the first day of life and stop feeding at least 5 days before slaughter to eliminate the content of the drug in the meat.

Prevention of coccidiosis in the farm is to comply with all veterinary and sanitary norms, viz:

Cleaning and disinfection of the room in which the birds are kept,
It  is necessary to regularly treat the working equipment with disinfectant solutions,
It is recommended to maintain the necessary level of humidity in the hen house
It is not allowed to change the diet of broilers drastically. At this time, the birds are usually stressed and their immunity is significantly reduced. Consequently, the risk of diseases increases.
Only feed from reliable manufacturers should be used.

Exactly this kind of feed can be bought at the company “Agrotehnika” Ltd. Technologists of “Agrotechnika” have developed a special line of feed for the prevention of coccidiosis.

The company has been producing mixed fodders and concentrates for all types of poultry and domestic animals for over 20 years. The product is fully compliant with the requirements of the OU “On Feed Safety and Hygiene” and is manufactured on certified equipment, meets all European HACCP and ISO standards.