✅Over the past week, Ukrainian farmers sowed 1,105.6 thousand hectares of grain and leguminous crops, including 1 million hectares of corn 🌽. Among the leaders in terms of the area sown is Poltavshchyna, where 155.1 thousand ha were sown. A…
Ukrainian embroidery is one of the bright symbols of our culture. Wearing an embroidered shirt, we demonstrate not only its beauty and uniqueness, but also our belonging to our ancestors – the Cossack family, whose work we continue today. Happy…
For each of us, family is the closest and dearest people. At the same time, it is the basis of the people and the future of the state. Family is our present and future. This is a sincere smile, warm…
✅The formation of practical skills and competencies is one of the priority tasks in the training of management specialists, which was determined and implemented by the teachers of the department of management and administration together with our stakeholders-employers. On May…
💙We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday – Europe Day, which this year Ukraine, like all the countries of the European Union, celebrates on May 9. 💛The holiday is designed to show our unity with the EU, and right now…
As of the beginning of May, 2.32 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops were sown by all categories of farms. Of them, 1 million hectares of corn are already planted, or 32% of the forecast. This was reported by…
The oldest and most common agricultural crop on our planet is wheat 🌾. Flour is used to bake bread, produce pasta, alcoholic and confectionery products, and is used as animal feed. Wheat 🌾 has all kinds of varieties and has…
✅Ukrainian farmers have already sown 1 million 5 thousand hectares of hot crops, which is 18% of the projected area (5.7 million hectares). This was reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. Among the 1 million 5 thousand hectares of…
April 20 is celebrated as the International Volunteer Appreciation Day. For us, Ukrainians, this is truly a holiday! Volunteers of Ukraine are real superheroes! Expresses sincere gratitude to everyone who found time and courage to do good deeds. Thank you…
Ukraine and Poland agreed on the restoration of the transit of Ukrainian agricultural products, which should start at night from April 20 to 21, 2023. This was reported in the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food. Additional control of transit…